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ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using MixSIAR and SIBER (SIMM11) This course will be delivered live

25 March 2025 - 28 March 2025

ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using MixSIAR and SIBER (SIMM11) This course will be delivered live

Event Date

Tuesday, March 25th, 2025

Course Format

This is a ‘LIVE COURSE’ – the instructor will be delivering lectures and coaching attendees through the accompanying computer practical’s via video link, a good internet connection is essential.

Course Program

TIME ZONE – GMT+1 – however all sessions will be recorded and made available allowing attendees from different time zones to follow.

Please email oliverhooker@prstatistics.com for full details or to discuss how we can accommodate you).

Course Details

This course will cover the concepts, technical background and use of stable isotope mixing models (SIMMs) with a particular focus on running them in R. SIMMs have become a very popular tool for quantifying food webs and thus the diet of predators and prey in an ecosystem. Starting with only basic understanding of statistical models, we will cover the do’s and don’ts of using SIMMs. We will then focus on the widely used package MixSIAR and SIBER packages. MixSIAR creates and runs Bayesian mixing models to analyze biological tracer data (i.e. stable isotopes, fatty acids), which estimate the proportions of source (prey) contributions to a mixture (consumer). ‘MixSIAR’ is not one model, but a framework that allows a user to create a mixing model based on their data structure and research questions, via options for fixed/ random effects, source data types, priors, and error terms. ‘MixSIAR’ incorporates several years of advances since ‘MixSIR’ and ‘SIAR’. SIBER fits bi-variate ellipses to stable isotope data using Bayesian inference with the aim being to describe and compare their isotopic niche. Participants will be taught the advanced features of these packages, which will enable them to produce a richer class of output. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own data sets and problems to study during the round-table discussions.

Intended Audiences
The course is aimed at biologists with a basic to moderate knowledge in R. The course is aimed at anyone (academic or industry) who research is heavily reliant on analysing stable isotope data. There is a strong association with data on food webs and trophic relationships, but the tools learned can be applied to other systems.
Delivered remotely
Course Information
Availability – 30 places

Duration – 4 days

Contact hours – Approx. 28 hours

ECT’s – Equal to 3 ECT’s

Language – English

Teaching Format
There will be morning lectures based on the modules outlined in the course timetable. In the afternoon there will be practicals based on the topics covered that morning. Data sets for computer practicals will be provided by the instructors, but participants are welcome to bring their own data.
Assumed quantitative knowledge
A basic understanding of statistical concepts. Specifically, generalised linear regression models, statistical significance, hypothesis testing.
Assumed computer background
Familiarity with R. Ability to import/export data, manipulate data frames, fit basic statistical models & generate simple exploratory and diagnostic plots.
Equipment and software requirements

A laptop computer with a working version of R or RStudio is required. R and RStudio are both available as free and open source software for PCs, Macs, and Linux computers.

Participants should be able to install additional software on their own computer during the course (please make sure you have administration rights to your computer).

A large monitor and a second screen, although not absolutely necessary, could improve the learning experience. Participants are also encouraged to keep their webcam active to increase the interaction with the instructor and other students.


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
£ 480.00

Cancellations are accepted up to 28 days before the course start date subject to a 25% cancellation fee. Cancellations later than this may be considered, contact oliverhooker@prstatistics.com. Failure to attend will result in the full cost of the course being charged. In the unfortunate event that a course is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances a full refund of the course fees will be credited.

If you are unsure about course suitability, please get in touch by email to find out more oliverhooker@prstatistics.com


Tuesday 25th

Classes from 09:30 to 17:30

Basic concepts.
Module 1: Introduction; why use a SIMM?
Module 2: An introduction to bayesian statistics.
Module 3: Differences between regression models and SIMMs.
Practical: Revision on using R to load data, create plots and fit statistical models.
Round table discussion: Understanding the output from a Bayesian model.

Wednesday 26th

Classes from 09:30 to 17:30

Understanding and using SIAR.
Module 4: Do’s and Don’ts of using SIAR.
Module 5: The statistical model behind SIAR.
Practical: Using SIAR for real-world data sets; reporting output; creating richer summaries and plots.
Round table discussion: Issues when using simple SIMMs.

Thursday 27th

Classes from 09:30 to 17:30

Module 6: Creating and understanding Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses (SIBER).
Module 7: What are the differences between SIAR and MixSIAR?
Practical: Using MixSIAR on real world data sets; benefits over SIAR.
Round table discussion: When to use which type of SIMM.

Friday 28th

Classes from 09:30 to 17:30

Advanced SIMMs.
Module 8: Using MixSIAR for complex data sets: time series and mixed effects models.
Module 9: Source grouping: when and how?
Module 10: Building your own SIMM with JAGS.
Practical: Running advanced SIMMs with JAGS.
Round table discussion: Bring your own data set.

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson

My research interests lie in understanding ecological systems from an evolutionary perspective. I tend to approach these questions by using computational / mathematical models to understand how the nuts and bolts of these systems work. Much of my current research focuses on understanding predator-prey interactions and how large fish use their spatial environment. My interests also extend to community ecology where the challenge is to understand how communities of organisms and species compete and interact with what is often a self-organising and stable system.

Research Gate
Google Scholar


25 March 2025
28 March 2025
Event Categories:
, ,


Delivered remotely (Ireland)
Western European Time, Ireland + Google Map


The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
£ 480.00